As a CERTIFIED LIFE SKILL COACH I enjoy coaching People to fulfill skills and behaviours from Goals they set. In many ways the Coaching approach I use is similar to Jungian Art and Drama Therapy. The goal is personal transformation through Art. For Example if you are SCREENWRITER I focus on concrete GOALS like a TREATMENT, FIRST DRAFT or SHOOTING SCRIPT.
Born in Deutschland, I attended public school through to university in Canada. I have been working in the entertainment business in different categories including writing and producing feature films. After practicing different spiritual disciplines including Yoga, Scientology, Tibetan Buddhism, Kundalini Meditation and Carl Jung's Individuation process, I have focused my energies on re-awakening the "Gothing"/”Xoting”. The Goting is the indigenous spiritual process of Northern Europe, which erupts into the European Psyche in the form of Gothic Music, Movies and Art. In Judeo-Christian terms this Gothing would be called the mystical process. In Martin Heidegger terms it could be called the silence “ToBe”.